How to Tighten the Chain on a Stihl Chainsaw: A Comprehensive Guide

Maintaining your Stihl chainsaw is crucial for optimal performance and safety. One of the most essential maintenance tasks is ensuring the chain is properly tensioned. A loose chain can slip off the bar, potentially causing injury, while an overly tight chain can lead to excessive wear and damage. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of tightening the chain on your Stihl chainsaw.

Why Proper Chain Tension is Important

Proper chain tension ensures the chainsaw operates efficiently and safely. A loose chain can derail from the guide bar and cause kickback, which is hazardous to the operator. Conversely, a chain that’s too tight can overheat, causing premature wear and reducing the lifespan of the chain and bar.

Tools You Will Need

  • Chainsaw Scrench (combination screwdriver and wrench)
  • Protective gloves
  • User manual for reference (optional)

Step-by-Step Guide to Tighten the Chain

1. Ensure Safety First

Before beginning any maintenance, make sure the chainsaw is turned off and the spark plug boot is disconnected to prevent accidental starts. Wear protective gloves to protect your hands from sharp edges.

2. Locate the Chain Tensioning System

Stihl chainsaws typically have a side-access chain tensioner, which is a combination of a screw and a bar nuts system.

3. Loosen the Bar Nuts

Use the scrench to slightly loosen the nuts that hold the guide bar in place. These nuts are located on the side panel of the chainsaw. Do not remove them completely; just loosen them enough to allow the bar to move freely.

4. Adjust the Tensioning Screw

Locate the tensioning screw, usually found between the two bar nuts. Turn the screw clockwise to tighten the chain. As you tighten, lift the nose of the bar slightly to ensure the chain seats properly on the bar.

5. Check the Chain Tension

A properly tensioned chain should fit snugly against the bottom of the guide bar but still be loose enough to pull around the bar by hand with a bit of resistance. You should be able to pull the chain about a half-inch away from the bar.

6. Secure the Bar Nuts

Once the chain is properly tensioned, hold the bar nose up and securely tighten the bar nuts using the scrench. This will lock the bar in place and maintain the correct tension.

7. Perform a Final Check

After tightening the bar nuts, recheck the chain tension to ensure it hasn’t shifted. The chain should still move freely around the bar but without sagging.

Tips for Maintaining Chain Tension

  • Regular Checks: Frequently check the chain tension during use, especially with a new chain, as they can stretch.
  • Lubrication: Always keep the chain lubricated to reduce friction and wear.
  • Proper Storage: When storing your chainsaw, loosen the chain slightly to prevent it from stretching.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Over-tightening: This can cause excessive wear on the bar and chain, leading to costly repairs.
  • Under-tightening: A loose chain can derail, posing a significant safety risk.
  • Ignoring Manufacturer’s Instructions: Always refer to the Stihl user manual for specific guidelines related to your model.


Q: How often should I check my chainsaw’s chain tension?
A: It’s advisable to check the chain tension before each use and periodically during extended cutting sessions.

Q: What should I do if my chain keeps loosening?
A: If your chain keeps loosening, it might be due to improper installation, wear, or the bar nuts not being tightened enough. Check all components and consult the user manual for troubleshooting tips.

Q: Can I tighten the chain while the chainsaw is hot?
A: It’s best to allow the chainsaw to cool down before adjusting the chain tension to avoid burns and ensure accurate tensioning.


Properly maintaining your Stihl chainsaw’s chain tension is vital for safe and efficient operation. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure your chainsaw remains in top working condition. Regular maintenance will not only extend the life of your chainsaw but also provide a safer working environment.

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